How to Succeed Schengen Visa Interview
50 plus most commonly asked questions at Schengen visa interviews

Is it true that you are Married? In the event that Yes, What Does Your Spouse Do? For How Long Have You Been Married?
Try to early enough resolve to remember the specific marriage date and marriage subtleties (if there should be an occurrence of being hitched). Any off-base or unreliable answer on long periods of marriage may be viewed as an endeavor to offer an untruthful response. If not wedded, you may just make reference to you are unmarried or separated.
It is safe to say that you are Traveling With Someone Else?
Answer basically with a yes or no. Additionally, make certain to explain the relationship you have with the individual going with you in the excursion.
Would you be able to Reschedule A Shorter Trip? For what reason Do You Need Three/Month Visa?
Notice your enthusiasm to tour distinctive traveler goals inside the Schengen Area, and that you can’t do that in a brief timeframe. Be that as it may, express your total status to reschedule your arrangements and abbreviate your outing if necessary.
Would you be able to Show Your Bank Statement?
Make a point to not show any delay while giving the report of your bank articulation to the authority.
Do You Enjoy Any Scholarship?
This is another inquiry you ought to straightforwardly reply with a yes or no. On the off chance that you have an understudy grant, notice the name of the establishment giving the grant, along with the measure of money related help it covers, just as its time.
Do You Have A Covered Health Insurance For This Journey?
Give the proof of the secured medical coverage for the time of remain in the Schengen Area.
Do You Have A Girlfriend/Boyfriend?
Answer honestly with a yes or no.
Do You Have a Job-Leave Approval Letter From Your Employer?
Basically affirm the ownership of this letter from your manager (marked and stepped) and offer it to the authority. On the off chance that you don’t have such an archive, it is useless attempting to verbally persuade the authority about having your manager’s approval to leave the activity during the movement time frame.
Do You Have Any Children? In the event that Yes, How Old Are They, What Do They Do?
In some cases you can experience issues to rapidly review youngsters’ activity titles, their accurate birth date, their precise name of the organization, college, or school. That is the reason we propose you to get ready yourself and remember such data sufficiently early, to abstain from offering a reluctant response during the visa meet.
You may reply with I don’t have any kids yet – in the event that you are hitched without any youngsters you should state you are unmarried without any kids (if single), or, just express the quantity of kids and their sexual orientation – if having kids. At any rate, make your answer a characteristic one.
Do you Have any Family Member or Friends Living in the Schengen Area?
Make a point to make a rundown of all the relatives and companions living in the Schengen Area early enough before the meeting. On the off chance that you have neglected to make reference to anybody during the meeting, the government office should seriously think about it an endeavor to skirt the appropriate response.
Do You Have Any Relation With Any Involved Person In Latest Terrorist Activities?
Attempt to not take it the inquiry as a forewarning. Answer the inquiry honestly and decisively. Tell the official that you don’t have any relative associated with these exercises and express your pitiful about such acts. Show the official you are totally against such dreadful acts and people who submit them.
Do You Have Any Relative Or Any Known Person Studying In This University?
On the off chance that looking for an understudy visa, announce the names and relationship with the family members or companions that are as of now concentrating in the college in the Schengen Area where you have been confessed to examine (assuming any).
Do You Know The Annual Incomes Of Your Son/Daughter?
Express the yearly wages that your kids procure. Counsel your kid on his/her measure of net yearly profit before the meeting, so as to offer it effectively this specific data to the authority.
Do You Pay Income Tax?
Indeed is the appropriate response the official needs to get notification from you. Moreover, you may give a proof to that. In this way, show you are a capable resident who makes good on its charges.
Do You Plan To Pursue Masters Or Doctoral Studies After You Finish Bachelor’s?
Express your anxiety with respect to the current Bachelor contemplates, however notice that there may exist the opportunities for you to think about this open door in the drawn out future.
Does Your Son/Daughter Have Any Children?
The appropriate response ought to be straightforward, yes or no. Furthermore, you may express the number and sex of the offspring of him/her.
Have You Applied In Other Universities And In Which, Also Did You Get Admitted Into Other Universities?
State names of the colleges where you applied for admission to (in the event that you applied in more than one), pleasantly referencing on the off chance that you got the authorization to learn at any of them, in spite of the one you picked concentrating to.
Have You Booked Or Bought The Flight Ticket?
Offer the response just, by offering the proof of a booked or purchased flight ticket (depending which of the structures you decided to get it as a proof of planned transportation).
Have You Ever Traveled To Other Places?
Answer with a yes or no. Additionally, you may tell nations where you have gone outside of your living nation.
How Could You Choose This University Or College?
Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the particular examination field that the picked college offers. Do some exploration about the college and discussion about distinctive possibilities that the establishment has, contrasted with other the same organizations. On the off chance that you have a grant to concentrate in this college, demonstrate it with the letter of grant. By and large, attempt to feature the way that you were pulled in to concentrate there in light of the fact that it satisfies your instructive desires.
How would you found out about this college?
You may clarify really the manner in which you caught wind of the college, for example, from the web, companion, family, nearby useful organizations, or different structures.
How Do We Know You Will Return Home Within The Visa Allowed Period?
Notice to the delegate of the conciliatory office your significant connections and instructive/proficient/individual affiliations in your nation of origin that give you motivations to return. Such can be your family, continuous investigations, a sincere progressing work position, business, property, or other.
To what extent would you say you are Going to Stay?
Offer a response that is completely in consistence with your movement agenda – notice your season of flight and your arrival. Recollect that your visa will be given relying upon the time you intend to remain in the Schengen Area.
To what extent Have You Been Working In This Company?
Answer by expressing the number of years working for the current organization.
What number of Siblings Do You Have? Where Do They Live? What Do They Do? What number of Children Do They Have?
Express the all outnumber of sisters and siblings (assuming any). Give the various asked above data effectively and with no faltering. Be however much normal as could be expected in your discussion.
What number of Employees Do You Have?
As a worker, you should offer data about the genuine number of representatives, and if necessary partition female and male representatives in numbers.
The amount Is Your Salary Or How Much Do You Earn?
Express your net month to month pay, on the off chance that you are a worker. On the off chance that you are a business notice the net income.
The amount This Journey Will Cost You?
Your figurings must be done early enough for the meeting. Computations must incorporate all the ventures you do when the appearance, just as during your arrival to your nation of origin. In this way, show you are a persuading competitor that appropriately has anticipated its money related viewpoint and can manage them when abroad.
How you will invest your energy when your little girl/little girl in-law goes out to work?
Disclose to you will investigate the neighboring region, you will deal with the nursery, kids, or something bad might happen. Ensure the response to be persuasive and not an anticipated one.
The amount Pension Do You Get?
This is another inquiry you should give it immediately without very little of thought, expressing the month to month measure of cash you get from your accumulated annuity subsidize.
Is this your First Time in the Schengen Area?
Answer the inquiry with a yes or no, however you can likewise give insights concerning the quantity of visits, dates, places you’ve been. Attempt to be precise with the data you give.
Is your girl/little girl in-law as of now pregnant?
Just answer with a yes or no. In the event that you know the sexual orientation of the child you may state it in a characteristic manner.
Is Your Son/Daughter Married?
Indeed or no is sufficient as an answer.
What are your arrangements after your arrival?
On the off chance that you are applying for an understudy visa, advise that you will probably go after a position identified with your picked up training abroad. On the off chance that you are trying to seek after further examinations than the appropriate response must be honest. Likewise, on the off chance that you are hoping to get proficient preparing or bounce up in a new business you will express that correspondingly.
What did you say does your mom do?
Clarify the calling and the activity of your mom (if a working mother). In the event that your mom doesn’t work, you ought to show her day by day exercises, including diversions and interests.
What do you do in your living nation?
Examine about your exercises in your nations of origin, for example instruction, family, work, diversions, and others.
What do you think about the nation you are visiting?
Set aside an effort to do some exploration about the particular nation you are going to travel and the Schengen Area as a rule. Center talks a tad about the opportunity of development, law consistency, and coordinated effort between Schengen nations. Also, notice voyager regions of your advantage found in the Schengen Area (for example Eifel Towel, German palaces, Amsterdam) and why you picked the particular nation for your visit.
What do you think about the nation you are going to study?
Set aside the effort to investigate a little about the advantages of the training of the nation where you are going to concentrate on offers contrasted with other encompassing nations.
What Does Your Company Do?
Discussion about the organization’s fundamental exercises in short. Tell the authority in short your organization’s primary achievements in the nearby or universal market. Don’t over-talk about every action of the organization since you are the proprietor, prompting an over-expounded and tedious answer.
What Does Your Son/Daughter/Son-In-Law/Daughter-In-Law/Sponsor/Brother/Sister Do In The Schengen Area?
Make a point to get such data from your family members enough before the meeting, about her/his activity, studies, and living in the Schengen Area. Record and attempt to remember their college and division they’re concentrating on, work position and the organization working for, and area subtleties. You won’t leave an impression of a genuine competitor not having the option to review your youngsters’ occupations, so it is of an extraordinary significance giving a veritable data in such manner.
What is the legitimate status (what visa) of your child/little girl?
Demonstrate effectively the lawful status of your kids. Get in touch with them sufficiently early to get the right data, so as to not give unfitting data in the meeting.
What Is Your Educational Qualification?
Offer a response by expressing your most elevated got a degree from a school or college. Try not to begin discussing each school and instructive organization you went to previously, just on the off chance that the authority requests that you do as such.
What is the Purpose of Your Visit?
Being sure while clarifying the reason for your visit is significant. Offer subtleties to the officer why you need to make the visit by offering likewise the supporting reports proving the motivation behind it (for example Touring France’s visitor zones, proficient preparing, treatment arrangement, contemplates, or other).
What Is Your Daughter’s, Son’s Birth/Wedding Date?
Make a point to offer the right data. Affirm these dates early enough for the meeting.
What Is Your Father’s, Sponsor’s Income?
The degree of profit of the dad or support ought to show to the authority their capacity to adapt to your movement and stay costs abroad for the arranged time of remain.
What Is Your University Yearly Cost?
Set aside the required effort to compute early enough yearly investigation and living expenses during your stay in the Schengen Area for study purposes. Any deceived data may appear to be dubious to the authority.
What Property Do You Have In Your Home Country?
Name resources you own, attempt to not overlook any (for example House, vehicle, other).
What Will You Do If Your Visa Will Be Rejected?
The official needs to hear you have activities in your nation. Let him know/her you have responsibilities you should deal with, by referencing your significant commitment and relations.
When In Schengen Area, Are You Going To Seek Employment?
In the event that you are looking for an investigation or other visa which restricts looking for work in the Schengen Area, you should in no way, shape, or form chase for a vocation. Along these lines, you ought to be clear in clarifying that your point isn’t to get a new line of work thereby underlining you totally comprehend explicit visa confinements.
When Was Your Last Time Seeing Your Son/Daughter?
Attempt to review sooner than the meeting the last time you have met your child/little girl, expressing the right year and month.
When You Will Travel To Schengen Area?
There are numerous reasons the international safe haven or office delegate needs to find your direct solution to this inquiry, regardless of having such data in your booked flight ticket. Fundamentally the political office needs to ensure you comprehend the visa’s legitimacy constraint and that you won’t stay in the Schengen Area more than permitted. In this way, offer a response that accompanies the dates of your booked full circle flight agenda or flight ticket.
Where Are You Going To Stay?
Since you may be bridging the Schengen Area, during your stay in Schengen Area, make a point to make reference to where you will be suited during this time, rather than giving definite data pretty much all the spots you will visit. Ensure the response to be in full similarity with the confirmation of accommodation gave among other application supporting archives.
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Where Did You Finish Under-Graduate/Graduate Studies?
Express the name and the area of the college or school where you finished your examinations.
Which Company Do You Work For?
Tell the authority the name of the organization where you are at present functioning just as its principal region of action.
Which Countries in the Schengen Area would you say you are Planning to Visit?
Allude to all the nations which you intend to visit when in the Schengen Area. In any case, you should state which will be your nation in the Schengen Area where you intend to remain the most during your visit.
Who Will Pay For Your Visit?
This is another significant issue. Offer your best straight to the point response! The strategic office breaks down your budget summaries or support’s at any rate, and any deceived data will demonstrate to them you are not a commendable possibility to be given a visa.
Why do You Want To Go To The Schengen Area For Three/Six Months Where You Have A Job In Your Living Country?
Indicate the specific explanation driving you to surrender labor for a half year. Such can be a wiped out relative, an occupation preparing abroad or the consequences will be severe. In any case, the appropriate response must be valid and incontestable.
Important Notice: You must book your Schengen visa interview beforehand. It can be done here.